In the Be.Tween Community,
I help you partner, not punish your tween.

Parenting a tween is hard, but you don't have to do it alone.

Enrolment opens from 1st Nov to 6 Nov 2023

Do you often struggle with your tween's

- back talking
- emotional outbursts
- bullies, cliques
- excessive gaming
- social media consumption
- "defiant" behaviours
- lack of motivation?

If you do, I feel you! It is exhausting to manage them all and you are definitely NOT ALONE!

Do you worry about them growing up in today's fast paced world, having to deal with online dangers, peer pressures and academic stress?

I do. And in this short video, I share what I am doing to keep my children safe.

Let's raise children who are regulated, reflective, and resilient! 

While we can't remove the external stressors, we can develop good internal moral compasses in our children so they can navigate peer pressure with confidence, develop good digital habits, manage school stress in healthy ways!

Our 3-stage game plan:

We will turn these parenting challenges into teachable moments AND build trusting relationships with our tweens!


You will learn your WHY, so you can understand your child and your inner child.

When you are equipped with knowledge about your child's development, you can navigate the tweenager years with empathy and confidence.


You will learn how to speak the tween language so you can be on the same team as your tween.

 When you build a trusting relationship, your child will run to you instead of away from you when they make a grave mistake or feel defeated.


You will learn and apply actionable, research-backed strategies, facilitate conversations and be your child's emotion coach.

 These strategies will help your tweens develop skills such as
- emotion regulation
- problem solving
- stress management
- decision making
so they can become resilient, responsible and reflective teens.

"Once we build the relationship with them, it will be easier in the teen years!" - Mummy Michelle

Thank you for setting up this platform as the tweens years are like treading new ground, so it’s good to have a community to learn together. Once we build the relationship with them, it will be easier in the teen years!

You need to set the stage for adolescence now.

The tween years form the bridge between childhood and adolescence.

 Laying a strong foundation during the tween years is crucial for building a long-lasting, trusting relationship.

Shape their beliefs, values and behaviours now before it becomes harder.

"I want to become a better parent for my child!" - Mummy Clara

I already love this beta program and can't wait to see the end product. I'm very grateful to be a part of this program as I want to become a better parent for my child! Thank you for this opportunity,  Jacinth!

What will you get from this learning community?

Signature Audio Course: Tween Talk

Learn from four foundational modules to teach you HOW to talk to your tween even when they don't want to talk.

You will learn the do's and don'ts when speaking to your tween, how to apply the 3-step positive discipline communication roadmap to navigate tricky behaviours.

Reflection questions & transcripts included.

Note: Each module will be released monthly, starting 18 July 2023

Monthly Audio Class on private podcast

Digestible 10-20 minutes audio classes* that dive deep into the social, emotional, cognitive, physical and character development of your tween. Learn on-the-go using your favourite podcast apps!

Reflection questions & transcripts included.

*See our 12 month plan below!

Learn to Learn Study Skills Series

Teach your child HOW to learn: this is key to raising critical thinkers and curious problem solvers but many school teachers don't teach that!

Your child will learn one new tool each month, via an activity printable and suggested scripts and you can facilitate these metacognitive learning during your everyday conversations!

Scripts and templates 

Not sure how to responding to your emotional tween? You can pick up scripts to communicate with your tween or templates to support their social-emotional and cognitive development.

LIVE Q&A on Zoom

I want to support you every step of the way! Join me and/or other experts in a monthly 30 minute LIVE call (every second Tuesday of the month 9:30PM GMT+8)

Replays in video and audio formats available.

Private Facebook Group

Ask questions and get support from other like-minded parents of tweens so you don't feel so alone. You can also learn tips from parents who are ahead in their parenting journey.

"Hearing the replay has helped me reframe (my thoughts) and given me new confidence."
- Mummy Serene

As a FOUNDING member, you get to enjoy the lowest rates ever!

Invest in yourself for less than S$1 a day to become a confident parent to your tween!

3-month plan


- Signature audio course Tween Talk
- Monthly audio class on private podcast
- Resources (templates, scripts, summaries)
- Monthly Q&A or Interview with experts
- Monthly Learn to Learn study skills series
- Support from private Facebook community

This plan will automatically renew every 3 months.

6-month plan


- Signature audio course Tween Talk
- Monthly audio class on private podcast
- Resources (templates, scripts, summaries)
- Monthly Q&A or Interview with experts
- Monthly Learn to Learn study skills series
- Support from private Facebook community

This plan will automatically renew every 6 months.

12-month plan
(Most Popular!)


- Signature audio course Tween Talk
- Monthly audio class on private podcast
- Resources (templates, scripts, summaries)
- Monthly Q&A or Interview with experts
- Monthly Learn to Learn study skills series
- Support from private Facebook community
- Enjoy two months FREE compared to the 3-month plan!

This plan will automatically renew every 12 months.

You can step OUT of daily power struggles with your tween...
you can ENJOY growing with your tween!

Imagine this: the next time your tween acts out, you know exactly why they are behaving this way, and you are equipped with the self-regulation skills and scripts so you can respond to them with calm and compassion.

What you will learn in the next 12 months:

We will cover the social, emotional, physical, cognitive and character development of tweens.

Questions? I've got the answers!

As a mother, I know the time constraints we face. That is why I choose to prioritise what is important to me. My relationships with my children are of utmost importance and I make sure I put in effort to understand, support and nurture their physical and mental health.

I hope to encourage you, amidst your busy schedules, to invest in your family. If something is important to you, make time for it. Make time to learn and support your child so you can lay a strong foundation in the tween years. These years form the bridge between childhood and adolescence, and will shape their beliefs, values and behaviours.

If you don't do the work now, it is going to be much harder when they become teens.

As your coach and cheerleader, I've made learning simple for you! I intentionally create concise, digestible and actionable audio classes so you can learn while commuting, doing chores, or exercising. I share the best strategies and tips that make your time worthwhile.

The Be.Tween Community is for parents with children aged 7 to 12.

This is NOT for kiasu parents who want their children to be ahead of the race.

This is for parents who

- want their children to run the race at their own pace, and be present to support their tweens emotionally and mentally throughout the race.  

- prioritise the mental health of their tweens, who want to connect with them to better meet their needs, and willing to journey with them through the stresses of studies and friendships, and at the same time, build strong relationships with their tweens that can withstand the turbulence of adolescence. (The work starts now!)

YES! In fact, I encourage you to read more parenting books!

That said, many parents have told me that they don’t know HOW to apply what they've read. They tried the strategies but they don’t seem to work. That’s because every child is different, every family is different so the one-size-fits-all approach may not work.

One valuable part of this learning community is the people. You can get feedback and support from other like-minded parents when the strategies don't seem to work, and you can hear from other parents who experience similar challenges. Mummy Serene in my Beta program told me: "Just knowing that I am not alone has helped me reframe my thoughts and given me new confidence to try again!"
In the Be.Tween learning community, I am going to get into the trenches with you, answer your questions in the private Facebook community and direct resources to help you. This individualised support cannot be found in books.

Yes! If they don't work, I will never put it out. These strategies are all backed by research and child development theories.

I have personally tried it, other parents in my course and Beta program have tried it and we’ve seen transformations in our children.

However, you have to invest your time in learning, intentionally applying the tips, and work on self-regulation (which I’ll share a lot in this learning community!)  

The classes are not quick-fix solutions because we are dealing with humans, not machines. Our children go through developmental changes at different phases of their growth, some tools may work today but not the following week because they are always growing!

This learning community promises you a perspective change, that you will listen not lecture, partner not punish your tween. You will learn how to respond to "defiant" and other tricky behaviours with compassion and limits, raise emotionally intelligent, resilient and confident problem solvers. 

As a founding member, you will get immediate access to our existing resources:
- Motivation and Homework audio class and accompanying transcript, homework planner, DIY report card and spelling template
- Circle of Control Audio class + activity printable
- Replay of our first Q&A

Note that the first module of Tween Talk will be released on 17 July 2023.

I understand that life gets in the way sometimes, that is why even if you can't make it LIVE, you can still submit your questions, and listen to the responses in the video and audio replays. 

Yes, definitely! Just email my team [email protected] and we will help you with the upgrade.

Yes you can. There will be no refunds for early cancellation, but you will still enjoy your membership benefits till the next renewal date, after which the membership will expire. This applies to all membership plans.

Also note that even though you can rejoin the membership at a later date when it re-opens for enrolment, there will most likely be a price increase. (Founding members will enjoy the lowest rates ever!)

As long as you remain a member of good standing, your rate will be locked-in forever.  The membership will automatically renew if you do not cancel.

"When controlling parents criticise, scold, lecture, correct, demand, use put-downs and express their disappointment, young people do not feel supported or loved. Teens experience their controlling parents' love as conditional."
- Dr. Jane Nelsen

The team who will be supporting you!


Founder of Our Little Play Nest and the Be.Tween Community

Jacinth is a mum to 2 tweens and a former secondary school teacher, teaching students Mathematics and Science. She believes that every child can learn and want to do well, and that parents play a crucial role in supporting and encouraging their children.

With her decade long of teaching experience, she is passionate about sharing parenting and teaching tips to help parents navigate the challenges of parenting.


Writer, Community moderator

Jolyn is a mum to two cheerful and active little girls, and is dabbling in home cooking as a newfound interest. She is an experienced educator who has taught children across a wide range of ages, from primary school to junior college. She is particularly interested in the science of learning and language learning.


Community moderator

Jas is a mum to four beautiful children aged 5 to 12 years old. With over 14 years of teaching experience, she used to be a math teacher in a local school. Jas has also taught in a primary school, various secondary schools, and in a prestigious tuition centre. She has transited from public service to teaching preschoolers in a private setting.

Founding members enrolment closes in...
