From Yelling to Connecting

Thank you for your interest in
From Yelling To Connecting!
Please click the link below to be part of our class of October 2024.

From Yelling To Connecting

A research-backed, positive parenting online course to help you YELL LESS and CONNECT MORE with your child.

No more screaming, shaming, blaming, threatening or punishing!

This 4-week online course is for you, if you are:


of yelling, threatening or punishing their strong-willed and sensitive children when trying to get them to cooperate.


for screaming at their attention-seeking children after a long day at work.


to build strong relationships with their children from young, and raise empathetic, emotionally intelligent problem solvers. 

"I don't flare up so much after understanding my child."

"2 weeks of covid isolation and I barely yelled at my children."

By the end of the course...


Equip yourself with parenting knowledge that is backed by decades of neuroscience and  behavioural-science research.

Gain the confidence to handle your child's tricky behaviours and emotional outbursts.

Learn strategies on how to manage your emotions.

Start empowering yourself and be an informed and confident parent.


Every interaction with your child is a chance to coach and teach him.

 Imagine how much your child can learn if you turn tantrums and power struggles into opportunities for him to learn valuable life skills.  

What if you know the steps to communicate effectively with your child?  

Then you can raise emotionally intelligent kids and connect deeply with them!


We are all wonderful parents, until our children start pushing our buttons. You just can't stop yelling at your children who drive you up the wall. You get mad at them, you get mad at yourself, you feel frustrated and guilty EVERY SINGLE DAY.  

What if you can navigate your parenthood journey with calmness and patience?  

What if you know exactly why your child "misbehaves" and you are able to nip the problem in the bud?

  You can then model self-control and empathy to build a trusting relationship with your child!

By the end of the course...

you can parent with calmness and confidence

you can guide your children to regulate their emotions and develop self-control

you can create a safe and happy home

"We are happy as family because we are parenting on the same page."

Daddy Stanley and Mummy Antoinette

"I used to be a hot tempered person."

It’s been months since I stopped yelling at my daughter! You have made our lives so much easier!"

Daddy Francis

"There is practically zero yelling!"

"I am soo SOOOOO thankful that I took your course!!! These days there is practically zero yelling. I have a mostly peaceful house with a high energy 2yo toddler running around."

Mummy Melissa

Join the 1700+ parents who have changed the way they parent!


A practical, 3-step approach to navigating misbehaviours, defiance, power struggles, tantrums, whining episodes, sibling rivalry and turn these into opportunities for your child to learn valuable life skills


Gain insights about your child’s brain, be aware of discipline tools that effectively support your child's growth and brain development.


Learn positive parenting strategies recommended by neuroscientists and child development researchers, backed by decades of research on children around the world.

When you are able to nip the problem in the bud, you can then model self-control, calmness and empathy to build a trusting relationship with your child!


Receive support and celebrate progress with other like-minded parents in a community.

What will you get in this course?

pre-recorded video lessons + TRANSCRIPTS

Lifetime access (view at your own pace) to 20 subtitled videos over 4 modules - improved content after receiving feedback from my past students.


No time to watch the videos? You can listen to the audio versions on the go using your usual podcast apps, e.g. Spotify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast and more! This private podcast is perfect for the time-starved parent!

Tip: Play this in the car and "make" your partner learn too!

workbooks & summaries

Lifetime access to editable accompanying workbooks and PDF summaries.

live group coaching calls

To provide tailored support, submit your questions and I'll answer them during the 4 weekly LIVE group coaching calls, 1 - 1.5 hour each. (Replays available + timestamps for every question).

access to private facebook group

Gain access to a community of like-minded parents through a private Facebook Group managed by me and a group expert.

"If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you." - Zig Ziglar

Read how Mummy C is so determined to learn even though she can't make it for the coaching calls LIVE!

"What if I can't turn up for the LIVE group coaching calls?"

This course is designed for the time-starved parent who is committed to learning.

There are 2 components to the training lessons:

(1) Pre-recorded videos
  • Lifetime access
  • View them at your own pace
  • Bite-sized videos + accompanying workbooks
  • Four modules are delivered weekly so you have time and space to learn, implement and get results
  • Lifetime access
  • Send in questions beforehand
  • Join LIVE or watch video or audio replays to hear my responses to your questions
  • Replays are time-stamped and will be chopped up into digestible sections

Course Schedule

Course Outline

Module 1: Be an informed parent
    • 1) Change your parenting perspective by learning the psychology behind your child’s behaviours
    • 2) Why physical punishment does not help
    • 3) How you can use brain research to teach your child self-regulation techniques
    • 4) Use effective strategies to manage your own emotions
    • 5) Learn the parenting style that brings out the best in your child
Module 2: 3-step positive discipline communication roadmap (part 1 of 2)
    • 1) Learn the 3-step approach to respond and connect with your child everyday
    • 2) How to praise your child effectively
    • 3) Pick up a plethora of strategies, exact words to use and step-by-step guide on how to implement the tips to manage tricky behaviours with confidence
    • 4) Learn alternatives to yelling, threatening, bribing and punishing

1) Learn the 3-step approach to respond and connect with your child everyday

2) Learn tips for gaining cooperation from your children and getting them to open up to your guidance

3) Learn questioning techniques so that you can teach your children to problem solve and make good choices

module 4: connection in action
    • 1) Apply the 3-step positive discipline communication roadmap to authentic case studies and real life examples so you can manage power struggles, separation anxiety, whining, strong-willed children
    • 2) Learn how to repair ruptures

Let's sum it up.

It is important to me that you find value in this course!

Lifetime access (view at your own pace) to 20 subtitled training videos over 4 modules + transcripts + audios on a private podcast (SGD800) value)

4 weekly LIVE group coaching calls to provide support and answer your questions LIVE.
(SGD400 value)

Lifetime access to editable accompanying workbooks and PDF summaries
(SGD100 value)

Support from a community of like minded parents in a private Facebook Group (priceless)

Access to all future updates, enhancements and improvements of this course (priceless)

Bonus: Complimentary 1-month access to Sprout membership after completion of the course
(SGD150 value)

Bonus: Access to replays of previous group coaching calls - 48 in total
(SGD400 value)

Let's sum it up.

It is important to me that you find value in this course!

Lifetime access (view at your own pace) to 20 subtitled training videos over 4 modules + transcripts + audios on a private podcast (SGD800) value)

4 weekly LIVE group coaching calls to provide support and answer your questions LIVE.
(SGD400 value)

Lifetime access to editable accompanying workbooks and PDF summaries
(SGD100 value)

Support from a community of like minded parents in a private Facebook Group (priceless)

Access to all future updates, enhancements and improvements of this course (priceless)

Early Bird Bonus: Fostering Resilient Minds Toolkit - 3 bite-sized videos on Growth Mindset, Intrinsic Motivation and Overcoming Perfectionism in children . Include PDF summaries, posters and activity toolkit for children (Sign up by 5 April 2024)

Bonus: Complimentary 1-month access to Sprout membership after completion of the course
(SGD150 value)

Bonus: Access to replays of previous group coaching calls - 48 in total
(SGD400 value)

Total value of more than SGD1,800! But you pay either:

4 biweekly payments


Suitable for those who want to spread out the cost over a period of time.

one-time payment


*Most popular plan* Suitable for those who want to enjoy the most savings!

FYTC + private 1:1 coaching + 6 mths sprout ACCESS


Suitable for those who enjoy the community support AND 1 on 1 sessions from me

"This is one of the best organised courses I have encountered so far. I have raved about it even to my colleagues who are not married!"
-Mummy RL

I understand how it feels to deal with the whining, tantrums, fights, aggressive, defiant and disrespectful behaviours EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

If controlling and punishing your child leads to more unwanted behaviours, there must be a better way to parent!

My story: I am an ex-yeller.

9 years ago when I became a mom, I was mostly angry and depressed in the first two years.

I yelled and threatened because I didn’t know how else to manage my child's defiance and meltdowns.

I felt miserable and guilty every night because I felt I was not a good parent.

At the lowest point of parenting,  I decided that I needed to change or I might just plunge into depression, and my child will suffer.

I poured over books, attended courses and workshops, and went through a positive parenting transformation... 

...Today I am a much happier, calmer and confident mother, and I am thoroughly enjoying motherhood! I can't remember the last time I yelled at my kids in a non-emergency situation.

This is because I know what my kids are going through, I work on managing my own triggers and I focus on connecting with my kids while setting firm limits to guide them.

I went on to empower 1700+ parents with the exact same roadmap because I don't want parents to be angry and lonely like I was.

I want them to build a trusting relationship with their children!

You can break the cycle! There is no need to cane or yell to gain cooperation from your child!

"My husband, and even my helper, started to use some of the words you taught after hearing from me!"

Mummy Qiao Mei

"When I am calm, it's easier to help my grandson regulate his emotions."

- Nor Anne, grandmother of toddler boy

"Jacinth has distilled the lessons into essence for us so we don't have go through it the hard way..."

"I am really thankful for the course. That day, my 2yo refused his porridge and wanted my father-in-law to switch on the TV. He started to throw tantrums and my father-in-law was at a loss. 

I used the words that Jacinth taught, validated my son’s feelings, and set boundaries.

And for a twinkle moment, he stopped crying and looked at me as if there was an instant connection there (I swear). ... he eventually cooperated and had his porridge!"

Mummy Mong Ling

"The other parents were watching and amazed that my toddler has no meltdowns (when leaving the playground)!"

Mummy Allyna

"My children are more cooperative when I needed them to complete certain tasks."

Mummy Claryn

Satisfaction guaranteed!

I've experienced the transformation first-hand, and have also seen this work for many of my students.

I am so confident of the results that I am giving a 14 days money back guarantee!

If you don’t find it working after 2 weeks into the course, let me know and I will offer you a full refund, upon showing evidence that you have attended the trainings and done the work. Its 100% risk free!

Bonuses! (Who doesn't love them?)

One month of Sprout membership

Enjoy one month of complimentary access to Sprout membership.

Sprout is an exclusive community only available to parents after they've completed From Yelling to Connecting course.

Every month we will dive deep into a different parenting topic, such as eating habits, emotional intelligence, hitting and aggression, how to encourage reading, how to cultivate empathy, supporting an emotionally sensitive child etc...

These will be delivered to you through bite-sized videos, audios, PDF handouts, posters, workbooks, guest speakers etc...

I will also support you in an ongoing basis and help you implement the strategies taught.

Access to previous batches' group coaching calls

You will also get access to ALL of the replays of the previous runs of the programme. 12x4=48 replays in the learning portal!

Learn from all the real-life examples - struggles, challenges, wins, and progresses from like-minded parents.

I know I have said this previously, but I want to emphasise that you are not alone in your parenting journey!

Additional Early Bird Bonus!

If you sign up by
5 APRIL FRIDAY, 11:59PM (GMT +8)

Fostering Resilient Minds Toolkit

1) Growth Mindset Masterclass Video: How do you foster a growth mindset in your child? Eight ways to teach growth mindset. Delivered through a 20-minute video

2) Growth Mindset workbook and summary, with suggested scripts for parents

3) Intrinsic Motivation Masterclass Video: Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation, and how to develop intrinsic motivation in your kids. Delivered through a 10-minute video, together with a summary and action task

4) Overcoming Perfectionism Video: Learn the signs and types of perfectionism and strategies to help children who are prone to perfectionism.

5) Motivational Posters - five posters that you can frame and hang in your house as visual reminders to encourage intrinsic motivation and growth mindset in children

NOTE: You'll get access to the early bird bonus from 10 May because it is important you learn the fundamentals from FYTC first!

Let's learn, unlearn and relearn to be better versions of ourselves!

4 biweekly payments


Suitable for those who want to spread out the cost over a period of time.

one-time payment


*Most popular plan* Suitable for those who want to enjoy the most savings!

FYTC + private 1:1 coaching + 6 mths sprout ACCESS


Suitable for those who enjoy the community support AND 1 on 1 sessions from me

Option to PayNow (For One-Time Payments Only)


Send your payment details to
[email protected]
as well as your name and the email address which will be used to create your account on the learning portal!

Let's learn, unlearn and relearn to be better versions of ourselves!

Enrolment only opens on 2nd - 10 October 2023.

4 biweekly payments


one-time payment


FYTC + private 1:1 coaching + 6 mths Sprout ACCESS


"As children develop, their brains "mirror" their parent's brain. In other words, the parent's own growth and development, or lack of those, impact the child's brain."

— Daniel J. Siegel

Additional Bonus! Because we learn better with friends!

Accountability Buddy Club 

I've seen how parents are more motivated when they have friends learning alongside them in the course. There is more accountability, and more cheerleaders to spur you on!

To encourage you to find your tribe, get 2 other friends to sign up. The 3 of you will get a complimentary 40 min Trio Zoom coaching call with me!

Drop me an email at [email protected] with the three of your names and the three email addresses that you all used to sign up for this course, and I will arrange a call with all three of you.

Your decision to educate yourself will directly impact your child's development!
 Hear directly from the parents who have committed to improve their parenting skills:

"Change is tough but it can happen."

"If you are thinking if the course is for you, take the first step to believe in yourself, change is tough but it can happen. The community and Jacinth's dedication in answering our questions are invaluable!"

Mummy Lael

"We have way fewer meltdowns now and toddler who communicate his needs to us as he knows we will listen to him."
- Joy, mum to a 2.5yo

Enrolment closes in:


If you are still on the fence, hear directly from the parents who have committed to improve their parenting skills:

You get support instead of burn out.

"I feel hopeful after each coaching call!" - Mummy C

"I feel inspired to try a different tactic to parent my kids better" - Mummy D

You can be the ONE parent to influence other caregivers!

"My husband and I hold each other accountable."

Join me and other like-minded parents so we can cheer you on!

4 biweekly payments


one-time payment


FYTC + private 1:1 coaching + 6 mths sprout ACCESS


"My 2.5yo can express himself  with words instead of throwing tantrums."

We are mindful about the words we use in the daily conversations. Now he is able to express his happy, sad and angry feelings by telling us with face expressions too!

Mummy Chi San

"I am now better at empathising with my toddler during her meltdowns."

 "I am now getting better at empathising with my toddler during her meltdowns, and found better ways to cope.

We couldn't have done it without your help, and  I am glad to have found your course, and I will definitely continue as a Sprout member!"

Mummy Pei Ying

Hear from my students on how their lives were transformed...

"What was especially useful for me was using the correct words to communicate with my child which Jacinth taught in the course. I highly recommend parents to attend the course together to align their parenting styles and build a happier family." 

Mummy Adeline

"My husband used to yell and always want to stop our child from crying. I tried to share with him before but it didn’t help. Over the past month, I’ve been practising it consciously everyday and I noticed he is using the words that I use as well! I guess he sees that there’s results and he’s picking it up without me having to enforce it on him. This is probably the best way to get people onboard. "

Mummy See Kee

"Having u as the pillar to our parenting journey is the greatest achievement this year.. Not only u changed my life, you have also changed my husband. He used get angry with my son when he misbehaved and started yelling.

But after I insisted that he must attend the course with me, he changed. He became more patient and apply most of the things u taught . This really surprised me. Just want to say a big thank u for being with us in this parenting journey.

Mummy Joyce

"Ever since attending your lesson, I've been telling my children to vocalise their feelings. This evening, my son told me that "he was angry during his piano class earlier because he didn't know how to play.. but he still tried his best." I was elated in my heart and I told him that I'm happy he verbalised his feelings and that he was willing to try!

A small step but it really encourages and lets me know that what I've been doing is not in vain. And thanks to you too!" 

Mummy Jen

"My wife forced me to watch the videos."

(You have to listen to this audio call I had with Daddy Habib, he shares how he managed his anger and anxiety to connect with his children)

Habib: You know, the biggest change which I encountered in myself is I started apologizing to my kids. You know, when you learn to apologize to your kids, that’s when you realise, what a kid goes through. It really changes, it transforms the whole relationship between the parent and the child.

Hidayath: Honestly, my husband doesn’t say or apologise very easily.
Habib: I don’t apologise easily to people.

Jacinth: “How did you get your husband to learn positive parenting?”

Husband: Honestly, my wife forced me to do it. (laughs)
[continues in video…]

Meet your teacher!

Hi! I'm Jacinth.

Founder, Our Little Play Nest

I am a parenting coach, former secondary school teacher, textbook co-author, and a mom to two kids (aged 10 yo and 8 yo). I am also the founder of Our Little Play Nest.

Marrying my decade-long of teaching knowledge and parenting experiences, I empower parents to communicate and connect meaningfully with their children through research-backed, positive parenting strategies.

I firmly believe parents are the best teachers that children have. And when we make time to equip ourselves with knowledge and strategies, we can guide our children better! More is caught than taught, we have to model good emotion regulation and problem solving skills!

I have collaborated and conducted workshops for DBS, Kids Clinic, Autodesk, Finexis, Fragomen, NTU, Rochester Mall, the LEGO group, The Asian Parent, AIA etc and have been featured in Straits Times Singapore, Lian He Zao Bao and Sg Tatler.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There are two main components to the course: (1) pre-recorded videos and (2) LIVE group coaching calls.

(1) Pre-recorded videos (watch at your own pace - akin to lectures!
The first pre-recorded module will be released on 12 April 2024, Friday.
For 4 weeks, you will receive a new module each Friday.

(2) 4 x LIVE group coaching calls (live + replays - akin to tutorials!
We will meet online every week on Thursdays, 9:30PM Singapore Time (GMT +8) for our LIVE Coaching Calls, starting on 11 April 2024. Replays and timestamps are available.

The case studies discussed in the course are targetted and focused on parents with children between 2 - 7 years old. That said, many of the strategies and tips I teach in this course applies to children across different ages (even adults as well!).

You will learn how to help your children to be more empathetic, resilient, kind, resourceful and have self-control. These skills are what most of us hope to see in our children when they grow older.

If you have a child older than 7 years old, you can email me to share your challenges or join my Be.Tween Community for parents with kids aged 7-12 years old (the link will be sent to you upon request)

For first time parents who are clueless and wants some direction as they parent their children with love and patience.

For parents who are tired of yelling at their kids everyday to gain their cooperation.

For parents who want to keep calm and manage their temper.

For parents who are struggling with their children’s tantrums, meltdowns, violence behaviours, separation anxiety, power struggles, siblings rivalry etc.

For parents who want to stop using punishment to discipline their children.

For educators who want to learn more about brain development and how to help students manage their own emotions.

This is a self-paced course and you have lifetime access to the videos. You can take your time to learn or binge-watch the videos! I have intentionally created concise, digestible videos because I know you have no time. I share only the best strategies and tips that work to make it worth your time.

That said, I strongly encourage you to commit for FOUR weeks because you will observe a transformation in your parenting after each module. I’m here to push you a little, help you to make learning a priority for this period of time. It is possible to complete the course if you schedule it in your calendar and MAKE TIME FOR IT. Because it will not only benefit you, it will benefit your spouse, your children and your grandchildren!

Today is the time you start investing in yourself.

Due to the limits on social media, I can only share bits and pieces of positive parenting. But with a course, I can give you a step-by-step guide through the basics of positive parenting, brain research and a simple communication framework to help you gain cooperation with your children.

I will be sharing many practical tips, tell you the exact words to say, the tone to use, how to troubleshoot when the strategy doesn’t apply for your situation. I will teach you what to avoid, what not to say or do.

The most valuable part of this course is the direct coaching and community support so that you get your individual questions addressed, and with like-minded parents, you don’t feel alone or judged!

YES! In fact, I encourage you to read more parenting books!

That said, many parents have told me that they don’t know HOW to apply what they've read. They tried the strategies but they don’t seem to work. That’s because every child is different, every family is different so the one-size-fits-all approach may not work. A mummy shared “I have been reading various parenting books, but I have achieved understanding and perspective so much easier with the course!”

In this course, I am going to get into the trenches with you, find out more about your background and give you personalised advice that tailors to your child’s temperaments and personality. This individualised support cannot be found in books.

Yes! If it doesn’t work, I will never put it out. I have personally tried it, my students in the past 10 runs of the course have tried it and we’ve seen transformations in our children. However, you have to invest your time in learning, intentionally applying the tips, and work on self-regulation (which I’ll share a lot in this course!)

This course is not a quick-fix solution because we are dealing with humans, not machines. Our children go through developmental changes at different phases of their growth, some tools may work today but not the following week because your child may be experiencing a peak in his separation anxiety, for example.

This course promises you a perspective change, that you will yell less and connect more with your children. You will learn how to respond to problematic behaviours with compassion and limits, gain cooperation from your children, and enjoy every moment of parenting!

I sincerely hope that you will benefit from this course, so I am giving a 14 days money back guarantee! If you don’t find it working after 2 weeks into the course, let me know and I will offer you a full refund, upon showing evidence that you have attended the trainings and done the work. Its 100% risk free! 

Yes! You can do this in two ways:
1. When checking out, you can enter their information and email address. 2. Email us at [email protected] and we will guide you along.

Some parents asked for more personalised coaching so this time round, we are offering a few slots for that. We will email you the calendar link to book 4  x 30 minutes slots so that I can chat with you over Google Meet to create a personalised plan and coaching.

When you learn from the training videos and get tailored advice, you can better manage your triggers and see transformations faster.

Note that the booking for personalised coaching begins from 26 April 2024.

Invest in this 4-week program for:

One-time payment of SGD267 (*Most popular plan* Suitable for those who want to enjoy the most savings!)


four biweekly payments of SGD69 (Suitable for those who want to spread out the cost over a period of time)


FYTC + private 1:1 coaching + 6 mths Sprout access of SGD 697 (
Get the same 4-week program but with additional private 1:1 coaching and 6 months access to my Sprout parenting membership where I will continue to provide support)

Embark on your journey of learning, growth and transformation today!

4 biweekly payments


one-time payment


FYTC + private 1:1 coaching + 6 mths sprout ACCESS


"Your course taught me and my husband on how to become a better parents. I can see there is a lot of changes in us. We have become calmer and more connected to our kids and surprisingly less drama now." 
Mummy Yen Lyn
My husband and I learnt alot from your course,  and it even helped in our marriage! There was this module about keeping calm, anger management, he reflected after listening the module, and told me it served as a huge reminder to him in our marriage that he should always try to keep calm during our disagreements,  and try his best to manage his anger by using your tips! 
Mummy Su Yin
"The biggest transformation for myself and my husband is that we did not use the cane as disciplinary action since I have started the course. We learned to calm ourselves down during triggered, changed the choice of words to use during their tantrums and meltdowns. "
Mummy Pei Zhen
"I must say it has been a life changing experience for the past 1 year! The methods and strategies you have shared were very useful and has helped me to keep calm and be curious and not furious and using your 3 step positive discipline communication roadmap to coach the kids and colleagues too! LOL "
Mummy Gerk Sin
"Everyday I try to remind myself that all the tricky behaviour is actually a signal that kids need help. So I rarely yell at my kids nowadays. Even my hubby also said that I look more calm now.
I don’t know what to say apart from ‘thank you’. THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH! I am glad that I know you through IG."
Mummy Eunice
"I was at my wits end as my son was melting down almost daily and turning aggressive, and I was losing control... Today we still have good days and not so good ones but things have improved tremendously.

Your strength lies in your ability to make the content very digestible, relevant and practical. Please keep it up and I'm excited to continue to learn from you!"
Mummy JM
"I’ve read about positive parenting online but always find it difficult to apply the methods. 

Through this course I’ve learned to better connect to my child by attuning to their needs first before addressing the issue on hand. Jacinth’s 3 step positive discipline communication roadmap has helped tremendously!"
Mummy Angeline
" I see this connection that I have with my child that I absolutely enjoy and feel very proud of so much so that my husband is “jealous” cuz my girl will “listen” to me more and be more willing to cooperate with me! And particularly the look in the eyes of my child when I say I love you and give her that long hug and kiss is something that is so so precious!" 
Mummy Kelley
"When I was firm with the boundaries about playing with the helper's toothbrush, my girl actually said to me “mummy, I love you but yes, I am angry with you.” I was so surprised at her ability to understand such a complex and conflicting set of feelings at 2.5yo!! 

And then I asked if she will feel better when I hold her, and she nodded and was ok after a few minutes. I cannot explain how shocked I was at this turn of events."
Mummy Wei Wen
"I feel less alone when I read  and watch your content because you know exactly what we are facing as parents.

 Seeing the stressful situations described in words by you makes me feel validated and that someone truly understands our struggles and does not sugarcoat or skim over the surface without really addressing what's happening in real life. "
Mummy Chloe
"The course has made me a parent who is more aware and in control. My children have gone through tons of changes in the last year and routines have been constantly changing. I'm seeing the effects now that I'm back in SG and this course has helped me tremendously to deal with the repercussions.

I think the thing that stuck with me most is the bucket analogy and the iceberg theory..."
Mummy Aishah
"I yelled almost every day in the past. This course made me realise I was the one throwing the tantrums – the adult tantrums.

After this course, I learnt to calm myself first, and going through the modules have helped me to connect more with my 9 year old boy and 18 months old twins.

I learnt to recognise my mistakes and found that its never too late to reconcile with my eldest son. The course helps him to understand him better and able to meet his needs. 
Mummy Anni
"I feel that Jacinth has always been able to give relevant, practical advice that is specific and actionable - instead of the usual generic type - which is so important for new parents like me!"
Mummy Val
"The best thing that happened was that when my daughter, 4yo, told me, Mama, you know why I love you the most? Because you don’t scream at me.
Your course has helped me to identify my adult tantrum and helped me to understand that it’s normal for kids to throw tantrum and test boundaries. I am now more able to control myself as well."
Mummy Rosnauli
"Thank you for starting such a course for us parents. I was really at lowest because i really just cannot seem to understand why my daughter is behaving the way she is.

I blame myself for being such a lousy parent and for all the yelling that i have done to her which possibly have cause her to also yell and shout when she is angry, because the child models after what the parents does.

After joining your course and going through module 1, it really opens up my mind about parenting. You have shaped my thoughts and I think about how to decode my daugter's behaviors."
Mummy Liduan
"I emphatise with my child more and understand that the relationship is more important than things. It's important that we manage our own emotions before we manage our child's."
Mummy Jeslyn
"I am a calmer mummy.

I don't panic at the first sound of cry, but go slow and low at all times."
Mummy K
"I have learnt to handle my emotions better as my child is watching and learning how we react. Every behaviour he displays, we will now want to find out why and how we can close the gap to connect with him."
Mummy Jaime
"I finally get a chance to discuss with my husband about what kind of parents we want to be - authoritative parents and we agree to work together to support each other in connecting with our child."
Mummy Jamie
"I do feel more empowered to becoming a better mummy."
Mummy Q
"My husband and I are more aware of how we jointly parent, how we react to our son. For me personally, I am conscious and reminded when there are meltdowns and tantrums, my child is acting like a child because he is a child."
Mummy Joana

From Yelling to Connecting is currently closed for enrolment...

Doors close in


If you have further questions, don't hesitate to email me at [email protected]